EA establishes the “Chuay Gun Group” to engage in CSR activities, alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, take care of its stakeholders, and to facilitate the recovery of Thailand’s economy and society via technological innovation
Date : 17-07-2020

In response to the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Thailand, which was first reported at the beginning of 2020, the Energy Absolute (EA) Group led by the Company’s CEO Mr. Somphote Ahunai reached out to interested parties to form a partnership under the name “Chuay Gun Group” for the purpose of collaborating on CSR initiatives. By using each member’s core competencies, knowledge, technology, funds, and human resources, the Chuay Gun Group aimed to help the Thai people combat the COVID-19 crisis with the following three operational strategies:

(1) Enhancing work performance: In order to increase the safety of the healthcare work environment and protect Thai medical personnel and patients from being infected or spreading the COVID-19 virus, the Chuay Gun Group has installed sterilization equipment and air purification systems in the patient waiting rooms, inpatient rooms, and outpatient units of several hospitals, including their ambulances, as well as donating positive pressure masks and sterilizing boxes. This ensures that medical workers can perform their duties to the best of their abilities and with full confidence in their personal safety. The Group has contacted and lent its support to hundreds of public hospitals and important governmental agencies throughout the country. In addition, EA Group also prioritizes and takes into account the occupational health and safety of all of its employees in its risk management plans by: i) allowing certain employees to work remotely from home in order to reduce the risks caused by commuting and reduce workplace density, ii) implementing social distancing measures, iii) installing sterilization devices in the office’s central AC systems and using air filtration and purification devices at all work locations, iv) providing shuttle bus services and free lunchboxes to employees to reduce the risks caused by commuting and contact with strangers, v) using disinfectants to clean work stations, equipment, and devices in the office regularly, vi) distributing face masks and hand sanitizers to all employees, including those working at the Company’s headquarters and those stationed in factories located in provinces outside of Bangkok, and vii) arranging health insurances which cover COVID-19 treatment.

(2) Raising awareness and providing public service announcement: The Chuay Gun Group seeks to ensure that the Thai people are accurately informed about the COVID-19 virus and the appropriate preventive and reactive measures. In doing so, the Group recommended the regular usage of the “MorChana” application, which helps reduce the users’ chances of being infected or spreading the virus. Furthermore, the Group aims to mitigate the state of panic among the public caused by the consumption of misleading or false information by regularly circulating evidence-based and accessible information via the Company’s communication channels and its partners’.

(3) Applying technology to prevention, contact tracing, and risk assessment and sharing such innovation with members of the public via the mobile application “MorChana”: This mobile application was developed by the private sector, which includes contributors such as the Chuay Gun Group, the Code for Public Group, and several other freelance software developers, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Ministry of Public Health. The MorChana application functions similarly to a digital health passport by: 1) collecting the movement records of its users, 2) analyzing such records for possible contact with other high-risk individuals with great precision, 3) assessing the health risks of its users on a real-time basis, and 4) summarizing the results of the assessment in the form of a color-coded QR code based on the users’ risk levels, with green representing extremely low risk, yellow being low risk, orange being medium risk, and red being high risk. The MorChana application operates in a confidential and highly secure manner to protect the privacy of its users and their rights and to safeguard the collected information. This mobile application allows for the separation of individuals based on their risk level such that low-risk individuals may continue with their daily lives, while high-risk individuals are directed immediately to adopt the necessary public health measures. EA Group has also implemented the MorChana application as a company-wide health assessment and monitoring tool to protect the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and business partners. Moreover, the Company also aims to promote the usage of the application by reaching out to and informing public and private organizations both in Bangkok and outside provinces about the application’s functions and benefits. Through its various initiatives, the Chuay Gun Group seeks to facilitate a fast and safe return to work and daily living for the Thai people, mitigate the risks and impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and help ensure that Thailand’s recovery is done in a systematic and prompt manner. For more information, please refer to: www.chuaygun.com or https://www.facebook.com/chuaygungroup/