The company believes that safety, occupational health and working environment management It is an important issue in terms of sustainability. Management to prevent risks, incidences and impacts on the business and stakeholders. It is a basic responsibility. To build confidence in business operations among stakeholders. Especially among employees, business partners and stakeholders, the company is committed to promoting a hygienic and safe environment in every department. and adhere to it continuously and seriously along with organizational development to strive for excellence To create safety in the company's work
The company places great importance on the safety of company employees, contractors, trading partners, and other stakeholders with risk prevention measures. and policies on safety, occupational health, and working environment Ready to encourage the improvement of the working environment to be suitable. so that every business group Able to put operational guidelines into practice with full efficiency By referring to the guidelines of the international standard ISO 45001:2018, principles of Process Safety Management (PSM) and other related practices according to the industry group. along with evaluating compliance with relevant laws
The company has established measures to prevent and control hazards, focusing on eliminating risks and hazards in the workplace. Identification of risk issues that may cause safety or danger to the health of workers in all main activities. It covers all employee activities. Activities of contractors and also preparing to handle various emergencies such as checking warning systems, fire escape routes, and emergency lighting. automatic fire extinguishing system and various emergency suppression equipment As well as training emergency response teams to be ready to work at all times.
The company has established procedures for investigating accidents. In the event of a physical or property accident as well as diseases caused by work There is an accident investigation process to find the cause. Set corrective measures and prevent recurrence as well as following up on corrective actions. Including monitoring performance for continuous improvement.
The company conducts a Health Risk Assessment of workers by an occupational medicine doctor covering all of the company's operational activities. In order to determine appropriate measures to control and reduce health risks, the company also regularly measures the working environment according to risk factors in each area, such as measuring air quality, lighting, noise, heat, dust and chemicals in the operating area. work Compared with the relevant safety standards. Arrange for a health check for employees before starting work. When changing jobs By providing annual health examinations and health examinations based on risk factors. Both lung function tests Hearing ability Occupational eye exam Check the chemicals in the body, check the fitness of the muscles of the hands, legs, and back by an occupational medicine doctor and the company has provided a hospital and regular nurses. To provide health services to employees and those who come to work in the company's area. Including providing appropriate and sufficient personal protective equipment for workers. The company organizes training to provide knowledge to employees about health care. Both aspects of work and health such as work-related diseases
The company provides safety and occupational health training to all employees and workers before starting work. or when changing jobs By considering the training curriculum According to the nature of the hazards and risks associated with the work or activity performed, such as training on safety in working with chemicals. Electrical work safety training Safety training for working in confined spaces, etc. In addition, the company Training has been organized in case of various emergencies, such as fire drills and fire evacuation drills. Chemical spill training A training plan is prepared. Follow up on the implementation of the plan As well as recording the employee's training history.
To strengthen safety awareness and be aware of dangers that will occur in the workplace. by this activity It will be held both in the office and on the production line. On a monthly basis
To campaign to encourage everyone in the organization to be conscious and aware of safety at work (Safety First) before starting work. Employees can also share their opinions. and ways to prevent and correct incidents so that they do not occur again through this activity
The company has reported performance indicators from lost time injury rate (LTIFR) and work-related fatality rate. of employees and contractors as follows:
Biodiesel Business
Renewable power plant business
Battery and commercial electric vehicle business
*Such year, the business groups have not been divided.